3 Ways to Get Your New Year’s Resolutions Back on Track

  • February 1, 2015
  • / By Tom

January has quickly crept into February and you are no closer to reaching your New Year’s Resolutions than you were last year. Does this sound familiar to you? Did you have diet or weight loss goals that you just aren’t following through on?

It is very easy to get off track when you are trying to reach a new goal. After all, only 8% of individuals actually succeed at their resolutions. That sounds like a pathetic number, but on the bright side it at least proves it is not impossible.

It is too soon to give up on your 2015 and there is no need to wait until 2016 to set a new set of goals. You can get back on track, but you need to commit to doing so right now. No waiting, start moving towards your goals today. Here are the 3 ways to get back on track:

1. Be Specific – At this point, you may struggle to remember what your goals were. That is a major problem.  You need to get as specific as possible with your goals and repeat them to yourself.

If you are looking to get in better shape, your goal can’t be to “be more fit”. How can you possibly measure that and know if you get there? Make the goal something specific and measurable. “I will run a 5k in 22 minutes” or “I will bench press 225 pounds” are great examples. These are precise goals to shoot for, and best of all you will know when you hit them!

Also, it is important to have a deadline or goal date of when you will accomplish your goal. Some magical future time won’t cut it. What day are you going to run the 5k or when will you attempt the max bench press effort?

2. Be Positive – Our simple human brains cannot process negative words. That means if we put negatives words, such as no or lose, in our goal, our brain will skip over them. If your goal is “to lose 20 pounds of fat”, your subconscious mind skips over lose and just thinks about 20 pounds of fat. This is one way how wording your goals can actually sabotage your chances of success. Instead, try something like “I will weigh 133 pounds on the morning of March 16th”.

It is also important to have a positive attitude. There will certainly be setbacks or stumbling blocks along the way. If you are focused on the positive results that will come from the goal, you will have a better chance to reach it.

3. Be Accountable – At the end of the day, you are the one responsible for the success or failure of your resolutions. Outside factors can certainly make it easier or harder for you to reach your goals, but if you prioritize them, you can still reach them. If you want to change your current situation, you have to change what you did to put yourself in that situation.

Give yourself checkpoints along the way toward your goals to make sure you are on the right path. If you find you are behind schedule, take an honest assessment and see if what you need to do to get back on track. Slowed progress doesn’t mean you should give up. It means you might need to try something new – safely and within reason, of course.

These are some of the most important ways you can get your New Year’s Resolutions back on track.  Best wishes on all your resolutions for the New Year.