CSCS Exam Practice Question Flashcards

  • November 14, 2014
  • / By Tom

Flashcards are a very popular study aid for individuals at all levels of education. If you prefer to use flashcards to study for the CSCS certification exam, you have very limited options, but there are some.

This format has proven very popular over the years for all kinds of learning. The repetitive nature of flashcards and their ability to break large amounts of learning into easy-to-digest parts can really simplify complex material.

There is a free CSCS flashcard app made by BH Inc, available for Android. I generally don’t use flashcards, but I did download it to test it out, and it seemed to work pretty well. The free version has a significant amount of study material, and you can also make in-app purchases to upgrade and unlock other features.

This free app isn’t put out by the NSCA, which means it probably shouldn’t be your only source of prep for the test. The main reason is that it – or any other unofficial study guide – can’t be trusted to be 100% up-to-date and accurate in all aspects. Personally, though, I didn’t notice any issues that stood it out and think it is definitely worth downloading to check out.
Mometrix Test Preparation is known for the preparation guides for exams, and they have created a study system for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist credential.

The Mometrix Flashcard Study System for the CSCS Exam: CSCS Test Practice Questions & Review for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Exam cover the majority of the exam content in small form and are available in both paperback and Kindle format. I personally haven’t tested these out, but they are generally well reviewed.

No flashcard studying system can guarantee success on the exam, but they can be a great tool to prepare if you prefer to learn in that format. Ideally, they can be used for review or as a supplement to what you already know. You should still look into the NSCA books and other study guides to help get you ready. If you are looking for any other information as you prepare for the test, you can check out this guide.

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